Prices of erotic massage in Ibiza

Please call +34 618 580 708

Please visit our official website

Our sensual massage special
Most of the menus are best for 90 minutes sessions, but they can concentrate to 60 minutes (*) for your convenience.

All of our special massages are sensual and erotic. The difference between them is the range of techniques used which results on an increasing erotic intensity.

One hour (60 minutes) massage sessions

150 €
One hour of Tantra and Thai very intense sensual massage. Including body to body erotic techniques, also using the masseur’s feet and legs. 

180 €
One hour of Tantra Thai intense erotic massage. Performing body to body erotic techniques, including anal and prostatic stimulation. You can sweetly caress the girls. You can extend the massage time to 90 minutes for a total price of 300 €.

230 €
Our most popular massage everybody wants to have again! One hour of the most intense erotic massage. Performing the longest time of body to body erotic techniques, including anal and prostatic stimulation (only on request), also tantric positions for body awareness. Your most intense climax ever!
You can extend the massage time to 75 minutes for a total price of 280 €.

One hour and a half (90 minutes) massage sessions

330 €
One hour and a half  of Tantra Thai intense Extremely erotic massage. Performing body to body erotic techniques, including anal and prostatic stimulation. You can sweetly caress the girls.

See more details on our website:

Two hours (120 minutes) massage sessions

460 €
Our most popular massage everybody wants to have again! Two hours of the most intense erotic massage. Performing the longest time of body to body erotic techniques, including anal and prostatic stimulation (only on request), also tantric positions for body awareness. Your most intense climax ever! This is the original length of the massage menu called Extremely erotic.

See more details on our website:

(*) Any other masseuses —free-lancers or working for agencies— claim to serve 60 minutes, but it is only 40 or 45 minutes if you are having a lucky day—. We serve exactly the time you are booking and paying for.

Read more about what our girls can do and get ready to enjoy something really special.

You can call anytime from 9 AM to 11 PM to book the sexiest massage you ever enjoyed: +34 618 580 708

And visit our website to check more pictures, info and prices:
